Markus Gabriel’s New Realism

This is the first volume focused on Markus Gabriel’s version of New Realism, which spans the fields of metaphysics/ontology, philosophy of mind, epistemology, philosophy of science, and meta-philosophy. Most of the selected contributions are directly or indirectly concerned with Gabriel’s fields of sense-ontology, his version of a thoroughly realistic pluralism. While some take up criticisms from previous debates surrounding Gabriel’s philosophy and New Realism in general, others advance completely new and innovative challenges for this highly systematic thinker. Overall, the contributions provide both a substantive commentary on Gabriel’s work and a multifaceted, critical assessment of its underlying ideas. The book is not only an essential addition to the debate surrounding New Realism, but also furthers the discussions about naturalism, deflationist ontologies, contextualism and mereological arguments to which Gabriel’s work has contributed in recent years.

Jan Voosholz is a tenured research associate at the International Centre for Philosophy at the University of Bonn. His research focuses on questions of ontology, epistemology and philosophy of science. In his PhD project, he investigated the consequences of Quentin Meillassoux's speculative realism and Markus Gabriel's new realism for the philosophy of science in general and the debate concerning realism and antirealism in particular. He is the editor of Top-Down Causation and Emergence (with Markus Gabriel; Synthese Library 439, Springer, 2021). He has spent time as a guest researcher at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, and previously received a M.A. in philosophy and a B.A. in history from the Free University Berlin.

Erscheinungsdatum: 27.10.2024

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